No Joke: Three Men Walk into a Bar

I don’t usually do the Daily Prompts, but this one caught my eye.


Three men walk into a bar…

…and stop at the sight of four figures in a tense standoff.

One man is holding a .45 caliber pistol. He is wearing a rattlesnake skin jacket and has a patch over one eye. His hand is steady and he has the look of a killer. A briefcase bulging with cash is open at his elbow.

The second figure is a woman holding a rocket launcher, and swiveling it rapidly back and forth between the other three. She is wearing a pair of orange pajamas and has long purple hair. She has a crazy look in her eye. Crumpled divorce papers lie at her feet.

The third figure is a monkey holding a blowgun and loading a peeled banana into it. Its back is shaved and a large tattoo proclaims it part of the “Armed Primate Expeditions”. A typewriter and sequined tutu are on the floor by the bar.

The fourth figure is a man in a speedo who has clearly just come from swimming. He is holding a towel, his hands are in the air, and his face shows that he is about to wet himself from fright.

Two of the men at the door look at each other. “Another bar?”

“You guys go ahead,” the third one says. “I’m just going to make a few notes for my next blog post.”


About David Stewart

I am a writer of anything quirky and weird. I love most genres of fiction and in each there are stories that I would consider "my kind of story". View all posts by David Stewart

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